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Mattress and Pillow Encasements

Mattress and Pillow Encasements

Use removable and washable Bed Bug Certified mattress covers and pillow encasements that zip all the way around, to help protect your mattress from dust, bed bugs and other allergens.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Any home with gas fired heating and water heating systems or an attached garage should have CO "monitors" installed on all levels. If your home has just carbon monoxide "alarms" you might want to consider upgrading (or adding) more sensitive CO "monitors." Especially...

Electrical Suggestion…

Electrical Suggestion…

To protect your expensive home appliances (computers, LCD televisions, music systems, microwave ovens, etc.) from large power spikes, consider installing a whole-house surge protector.

7 Signs of Termites at Home

7 Signs of Termites at Home

Know the Signs of Termites at Home to Catch an Infestation Early Termites destroy wood and cellulose-based products around the home. They can cause thousands of dollars in damage and you may not know you even have a termite problem. When you know the signs of termites...

Helpful Spring Cleaning Reminders for Your Whole Home

Helpful Spring Cleaning Reminders for Your Whole Home

Spring has just begun. For many people, that means it is time to clean the clutter and dirt that has accumulated during the colder months of winter. To clean every room thoroughly, follow these helpful spring cleaning reminders. Commonly Overlooked Areas in the...

3 Reasons to Get a Home Inspection on New Construction

3 Reasons to Get a Home Inspection on New Construction

Building your own home ensures that everything is new and constructed the way you want. However, if anything was amiss during the building process, you will want to know about it. The best way to make sure that your home is in great condition before moving in is to...

4 Tips & Tricks To Increase Your Garage Storage Space

4 Tips & Tricks To Increase Your Garage Storage Space

You use your garage for many purposes. It protects your vehicles from the elements, can be used as a workshop, and serves as extra storage space. If you'd like to maximize your garage's potential, you should consider using these four tips and tricks to increase your...

What to Do About Radon in Your Home

What to Do About Radon in Your Home

January is National Radon Action Month, so it is a good time to learn about radon and make sure your home is safe. Radon is a carcinogenic gas that has been linked to lung cancer. Without an accurate test from a licensed professional, you may not know your level of...

Five Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe During the Holidays

Five Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe During the Holidays

Keeping Your Home Safe During the Holidays The holidays are chaotic and it can be easy to neglect common sense safety measures. More fires and burglaries happen during the holidays than any other time of year. Taking extra precautions and keeping your home safe during...

Four Steps to Save Water at Home

Four Steps to Save Water at Home

Water conservation is increasingly important as the population expands and demands more from our freshwater sources. Saving water begins at home with individual efforts made on a regular basis. While some people are motivated to reduce water consumption for...

Beyond Termites: 2 Common Wood-Destroying Insects

Beyond Termites: 2 Common Wood-Destroying Insects

While there are several species of wood-loving insects that cause merely cosmetic damage, the worst insects to watch out for are those that carve into wood or use it for nesting. Carpenter ants and carpenter bees are two such common wood-destroying insects. Knowing...

5 Grill Safety Tips to Follow this Summer

5 Grill Safety Tips to Follow this Summer

Grill Safety Tips to Remember at Your Next Cookout Summer is a great time to spend outdoors grilling food for the family. Grill safety tips will keep you, your home, and your family safe when you decide to throw some burgers on the flame. 1. Move the Grill Away From...

7 Signs of Mold in Your Home

7 Signs of Mold in Your Home

Seven Signs You May Have Mold in Your Home Are you looking for signs of mold in your home? Mold can pose a health hazard for you and your family. Finding mold and eliminating it is imperative. Here are seven signs that you may have a mold problem in your home: 1. A...

Easy Ways to Minimize Cooling Costs This Summer

Easy Ways to Minimize Cooling Costs This Summer

Staying cool this summer shouldn’t cost a fortune, but for many homeowners, energy costs double or triple as the dog days of summer heat up with scorching hot temperatures. This leaves them paying $200 - $300 and sometimes more to cool their home with the A/C unit. If...

Learn How to Prevent Termites & Reduce Risks to Your Home

Learn How to Prevent Termites & Reduce Risks to Your Home

Numerous pests make their way inside of our homes every year. Cockroaches, crickets, ants, and an assortment of additional pests are a nuisance, but not as harmful to the structure of your home as termites. Termites threaten the integrity of the structure in the very...

Simple Tips for Boosting Curb Appeal When Selling Your Home

Simple Tips for Boosting Curb Appeal When Selling Your Home

Selling a home is almost never a completely easy or straightforward process. The first step is to get people interested in taking a look inside of your home, which is why your home’s curb appeal is so important. First impressions can mean everything, which means you...

5 Myths About Buying Your First Home

5 Myths About Buying Your First Home

When buying your first home, there are so many things to consider that it is often tough to know where to begin. Let's start with some misconceptions about the home buying process. We will help you separate fact from fiction. Here are 5 common myths: 1. You Need a...